I Was A Middle Aged Writer

February 26, 2009

Who the Heck is This?!

Filed under: Uncategorized,writing — danielrdavis @ 7:56 pm
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Greetings all,

My name’s Daniel R. Davis and I’m one of the multitude of writers out there just trying to get things written so that I can hopefully become one of the published.  The elite.  The ones who have made it.  In the meantime I’m just the same as everyone else trying to write, and I have my own trials and tribulations and occasional stories and insights to share.  Thus, the blog is created.  We all have done it in the past.  Heck, I’ve created blogs just to keep track of my friends’ blogs.  This one, however, will be different.  This one I actually plan on writing about, well, writing.  It may be about a problem I’m having with a character and I need to get it off my chest.  It may be about a realization or a crazy idea or some bizarre story line.  It could even be a rant about the market or my inability to get the words out of my noggin and on the page.  Whatever it is I’ll try to make it as interesting as possible and hopefully I’ll end up with a reader or two.  No matter what it will be something I can look back on and say, gee, I remember when I was having that problem.

So sit back, relax, drop by from time to time if you want and see me because I’m sure I’ll be posting something here on at least a semi-regular basis, even if it’s just a progress report.

Thanks much and happy reading,


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