I Was A Middle Aged Writer

December 16, 2009

Holiday Writing Woes

Filed under: Uncategorized,writing — danielrdavis @ 12:26 pm
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So, happy holidays to anyone reading. I decided to write a bit about my current inability to write. I know that sounds a bit like an oxymoron, but it’s true. The holidays are always busy for me and I have difficulty focusing on just one task, as I typically have many different tasks to deal with at the same time. This is frustrating for me because it feels like I’m not doing what I’m supposed to be doing (writing) and feels like I’m not getting anything accomplished.

I know what would help me write, but I can’t really start another word count tracking session, which worked phenomenally well for Rogue 5, while I’ve got so many other things to do. However, I may have to do just that starting tomorrow. I don’t like spinning my wheels. I need to finish the gift I started for my wife and got other gifts to make as well before the Christmas deadline. It’s just frustrating when I feel like I can’t get the writing done. What makes this all worse, is that it gets so cold in the house that I don’t feel like doing any of the work because I don’t take to cold well.

Ah well, enough whining for me. Gotta get that cake made.

I’ll update as time permits.


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